* Housing status issue:
The Housing Status is now visible on the client General Information Page and on client Intake screens.
* If you see the words under Housing Status "Not Homeless", you will be forced to select one of the new status options: Housed and at imminent risk of losing housing, Housed and at-risk of losing housing or Stably housed.
* If you update the General Page for a previous or current client for any reason, you will then be required to update the Housing Status at that time.
* Homeless reporting issues with change to Housing Status:
The homeless information is now being captured correctly for each report that captures homeless information. The new Housing Status options will equate to the previously homeless information and will be captured for reporting purposes as follows:
* If a client is homeless, use literally homeless under Housing Status. This answer is equivalent to "Yes" under the previous homeless information options.
* If a client is not homeless, select the applicable option: Housed and at imminent risk of losing housing, Housed and at-risk of losing housing or Stably housed under the Housing Status. These answers are equivalent to "No" under the previous homeless information options.
* If a client doesn't know if they are homeless, select Don't Know under Housing Status.
* If a client refused to answer or reveal their status, select Refused under Housing Status.
* Family Program Enrollment:
The Family enrollment is now available when conducting a client Intake and when clicking on the Process link from the Results List.