In the transition to the New Finance pages, Employment Income on the original Finance page was not transferred to the Earned Income category on the new Cash Income Sources and Amounts page. Effective November 2nd, 2010 this Employment Income will be transferred and become visible on this page.
Below are the changes for this update:
A transfer will occur for each client that was receiving Employment Income prior to the release of the new Finance wizard and for whom no value currently displays in the Amount field of the Earned Income category of the Cash Income page.
The initial “30-Day” question for that client will be set to YES and the Verified Date for this question will be set to the latest verified date for the old client income. If the Verified Date has previously been set, it will not be modified.
The Amounts on each record for which the client is currently receiving income (that is, no employment End Date has been entered) will be added together and the sum will be entered in the Earned Income category on the Cash Income Sources and Amounts page in the Finance wizard.
If the Earned Income Amount has already been updated for the client, it will not be modified.
The Employment page will not be altered.
No additional changes will be made to any of the other pages in the Finance wizard.
If you have additional questions, contact the Support Team at 404-639-9933 option 2, toll-free at 1-866-818-1032 option 2, or