ATLANTA - Nearly 33,000 people (32,937) received services from PATHWAYS COMPASS user agencies during the month of May, roughly equal to the number served a year ago. More than 1,750 people received coordinated care in May.
The Cobb County, GA, Continuum of Care (CoC) showed the largest growth of services during the month, 24 percent year-over-year.
The Rochester, MN, Community Information Sharing System (CISS) implementation showed the biggest boost in coordinated care, which rose 522% compared to May of 2012.
To measure coordinated care, Pathways looks for the percentage of clients who have received services from two or more PATHWAYS COMPASS user agencies during a calendar month.
The Cobb County, GA, Continuum of Care (CoC) showed the largest growth of services during the month, 24 percent year-over-year.
The Rochester, MN, Community Information Sharing System (CISS) implementation showed the biggest boost in coordinated care, which rose 522% compared to May of 2012.
To measure coordinated care, Pathways looks for the percentage of clients who have received services from two or more PATHWAYS COMPASS user agencies during a calendar month.