Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Volunteer Now for the January 2011 Tri-J (Atlanta) Homeless Census

We Need Volunteers to help with the 2011 Tri-J Homeless Census!

On the night of January 25th, 2011, please join other community volunteers in conducting a street count of homeless persons. Help us understand how many people are homeless in Atlanta, Fulton County and DeKalb County. To best serve the homeless, we must gather accurate data on our homeless population.

To sign up, please click on this link and fill out the information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Josie Parker at Josie.parker@pcni.org or 404-639-9933 ext. 323.

Please note: Bad weather back up date: January 27th, 2011

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pathways Announces the Release of the Updated APR

Effective November 23rd, the updated APR will be available. These reports are suitable for agencies that must submit APR's during the Transitional period. Below outlines those changes. These changes are reflected on:

* APR Entry

* APR Exit

* APR Entry (Direct Enrollees Only)

* APR Exit (Direct Enrollees Only)

Note: This report is not intended to meet the requirements for the HMIS Dedicated Projects APR nor the HPRP APR.


The Destinations that are currently available in the system that align with the New Data Standards are now correctly reflected in the report.


The Income fields have been updated to capture the Earned income from the new finance pages. When running the APR please verify your client’s income and update it if necessary using the Finance Wizard. This is especially important if your client was enrolled in your program prior to July 15, 2010.

To verify earned income remember the following:

* You can verify a client’s employment income using the PATHWAYS COMPASS Employment page.

* For other cash income sources, use the Basic Demographics +Finance Information export.

If an update is required please remember the following:

* For Program Entry income: Use the client’s program enrollment date as the “Verified” date.

* For Program Exit income: Use the client’s program discharge date as the “Verified” date. If you skip through these pages, it will pick up the Income captured at Program Entry.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Support Team at 404-639-9933 option 2 or 866-818-1032 option 2 or support@pcni.org.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pathways Announces Release V5.16.52

Pathways Announces Release V5.16.52
Effective November 11, 2010
Pathways Announces Release V5.16.52 which includes an Export and several system corrections. Below outlines each item.

Assessment Export now available: This report will show the questions and all answer sets entered within the reporting period for the Assessment Name selected.
o To run this export click Reports > Data Export > Assessment > Assessment

Finance wizard error messages appear for Other Source field description greater than 50 characters:
On the Cash Income and Non-Cash Income the Other Source field description is limited to 50 characters or less. If you type past that limit, the Note will not be saved and an error message will appear.

Program profile – Special Needs Served no longer required:
Special Needs Served (which is not a required field and was not bolded) previously gave you an error message if you did not select a value. This error message has been removed.

Zip code associated with multiple counties now works properly in Process pages:
Zip code: The correction has been made on the Intake process, and you are now able to select the correct county.

Comprehensive Client Report links in General Information page removed: To ensure client privacy this report will now only be available to those individuals who have access to the Reports Menu.

Process Complete page simplified: At the completion of a Process, you will now see a simplified set of buttons and an explanatory note, making the page easier to use.