Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pathways Releases the new EFSP module

Pathways has implemented a new EFSP module that agencies can use for disbursing EFSP funds. This will allow local agencies to track EFSP funds used for "Utility Assistance", "Rental and Mortgage Assistance" and "Hotel/ Motel Assistance". This new EFSP module will assist with each local community EFSP program requirement for non-duplication of EFSP services.

The Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) was created in 1983 to supplement the work of local social service organizations within the United States, both private and governmental, to help people in need of emergency assistance. For more information, go to

Please contact Pathways Support prior to using EFSP, in order to have your Agency properly set up to use the module.

Once the agency is set up, any User can be given access to the new EFSP module:
- To access the EFSP information, the Agency Administrator must activate EFSP in the User's profile.
- Once activated the EFSP Services link becomes available on the Client Services Information page.
- Users are able to view any EFSP Service transactions that have been recorded for a client.
- Once activated, Users are able to view the EFSP Summary page. Just click EFSP on the Client Visit menu.

Coming soon, you will be able to print the EFSP Summary page and will have an additional report that tracks EFSP Services and Disbursements.

Activating the EFSP link in the User Profile:
1. See your Agency Administrator. Only Agency Administrators can do this for you.

EFSP on the Services Page:
1. You are able to view the EFSP transactions a client has received.
2. To add an ESFP transaction, click on the EFSP Services link.

EFSP Summary Page:
1. Allows you to view ONLY EFSP Transactions for the client.
2. Allows you to view dates, jurisdiction, phase year, Service Need given, disbursement given, and whether any other agency has given this client an EFSP transaction.

If you have additional questions on the new module, contact the Support Team at 404-639-9933 option 2, 866-818-1032 option 2 or

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