Thursday, October 18, 2012

Annual Homeless Assessment Reporting (AHAR)

The Annual Homeless Assessment Report(AHAR) is a report to the U.S. Congress on
the extent and nature of homelessness in the United States. It provides counts of the
homeless population and describes their demographic characteristics and service use
patterns. The AHAR is based on local data from Point-in-Time counts, Housing
Inventory Counts, and Homeless Management Information Systems.

The data account for any person who spends at least one night in an emergency
shelter, transitional housing program, or permanent supportive housing program during a 12 month reporting period,from October 1 to September 30 of the following year.

Data are reported separately for individuals and people in families in the following reporting categories:
1. Emergency Shelters for Individuals (ES-IND);
2. Emergency Shelter for Families (ES-FAM);
3. Transitional Housing for Individuals (TH-IND);
4. Transitional Housing for Families (TH-FAM);
5. Permanent Supportive Housing for Individuals (PSH-IND); and
6. Permanent Supportive Housing for Families (PSH-FAM).

AHAR Reporting Deadlines:

November 15, 2012:
First draft of data on All Persons

December 14, 2012:
First draft of data on Veterans

January 15, 2013:
Final draft of data on All Persons completed and confirmed by communities

January 22, 2013:
Final draft of data on Veterans completed and confirmed by communities

For more information, visit the website

Monday, July 23, 2012

Pathways now using GoToTraining Platform for online Trainings

Pathways is moving from GoToWebinar to GoToTraining for online trainings effective immediately. If you have participated in any of the online webinar trainings you will not have to do anything differently. If you have not participated in an online webinar training before and you register for an online webinar in the future, you will need to login about 15 minutes earlier to allow time for several downloads that will need to take place for you to participate in the online webinar trainings. The downloads will be initiated when you try to join a training session. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Support Team at

Monday, June 18, 2012

Relocation of Several Exports

The following reports now appear under the Program Category under Data Exports:
* Client Demographic + Cash Income Information,
* Client Demographic + Non Cash Benefits Information,
* Statistical Demographics Only + Client Special Needs.

In addition, the Collection Stage has been added to these reports. The Collection Stage will show when the data was collected specifically for Cash, Non-Cash and Special Needs. The Collection Stages are:

1. At Entry (When an Intake is done)
2. During Enrollment (While the Client Is Still Enrolled In the Program)
3. At Exit (When the Client is Discharged from a Program)

If you have further questions, please contact the Support Team at 404-639-9933 option 2 or

Monday, February 27, 2012

Updating of Special Needs Now Available

Pathways released V5.16.86. This release addressed the editing procedures for special needs specifically for program entry and program exit records.

To view the tutorial on how to add or update special needs, follow this clicking sequence: go to > Training > Download Guides & Manuals > scroll to the bottom > click on Updating Special Needs Tutorial or follow the instructions below:

1. Search and activate the client record (by clicking on the General Link from the Results List).
2. Click on the Program link under the Client Visit Menu.
3. Click edit next to the Program.
4. Click on the Click HERE to add or edit SPECIAL NEEDS information link.

When either Special Needs at Program Entry or Special Needs at Program Exit link is clicked, a pop up window will display the same information as the Special Needs page itself.

If a Special Needs record is linked to the program, its values will be shown (subject to User Access Rights restrictions noted below). If there is no record, all option buttons will be empty (referred to as “a blank page”).

Note: User Access Rights
If the Special Needs check box on the Agency User Maintenance page is not selected, then the Special Needs link on the Update Program section will not display.

Friday, February 24, 2012

User Interface Survey Released

Pathways Community Network has released the User Interface Survey.

This survey is to gather information about changes you feel need to be made to the user interface. Ultimately, we will look to make the modifications that will benefit users and our communities by making the system more user friendly and ensure
required data is being collected. The survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete and we are asking you to complete it by March 1st, 2012.

All active users were sent a survey to complete via email. If you did not receive this email and would like to participate, please contact Jeanette Pollock at

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pathways Announces the Release of V5.16.86

This release addresses the editing procedures for special needs specifically for program entry and program exit records. Also this release modifies the Zip Code field. Below each change is outlined. This release is anticipated to be available in the next couple of days (upon completion of final testing).

Adding or Updating Special Needs for Program Entry or Program Exit:

To view the tutorial follow this sequence: Go to > Training > Guides, Manuals and Tutorials > Scroll to the bottom and click on Updating Special Needs, or follow these steps to update a Special Needs record.

1. Search and activate the client record (by clicking on the General Link from the Results List).
2. Click on the Program link under the Client Visit Menu.
3. Click edit next to the Program.
4. As shown below, click on the Click HERE to add or edit SPECIAL NEEDS information link.

When either Special Needs at Program Entry or Special Needs at Program Exit link is clicked, a pop up window will display the same information as the Special Needs page itself.

If a Special Needs record is linked to the program, its values will be shown (subject to User Access Rights restrictions noted below). If there is no record, all option buttons will be empty (referred to as “a blank page”).

Note: User Access Rights
If the Special Needs check box on the Agency User Maintenance page is not selected, then the Special Needs link on the Update Program section will not display.

Zip Code changes:

We added some business rules to the Zip Code Quality (where you say “Full Zip Code” vs. Don’t Know, etc.) field and the Zip Code field itself (where you put the actual digits).

* If there is no zip code record (missing), then the Quality field defaults to (Select), and Zip Code field is disabled.·

* If Full Zip Code is selected, then Zip Code is enabled AND required.·

* If Don’t Know or Refused is selected, then Zip Code is disabled and any digits that were there are deleted.·

* There is one exception on the Program Enrollment and Program Edit page – Zip Code Quality and Zip Code are only required if the Housing Status is Literally Homeless or In Imminent Danger.

* We have implemented these rules across all four instances where Zip Codes occur – General Info page, Process General Info page, Program Enrollment page, and the Program Edit page.

For additional information, contact support at or 404-639-9933 x2