Monday, March 9, 2009

Collaborative Champs

What organizations do the best job of coordinating care with others? New statistics from the PATHWAYS COMPASS Community Information Sharing System show that Clifton Sanctuary Ministries led the way in February, working with partner organizations to coordinate care for 78% of its clients.

Rounding out the top ten:
2. Another Chance
3. St Joseph's Mercy Care Services
4. Samaritan House/Cafe 458
5. Odyssey III
6. (tie) Atlanta Enterprise Center; Hope through Divine Intervention
7. (tie) Union Mission Employment and Training Center; Union Mission Housing Services
8. (tie) JFCS Project Connect; Quest 35
9. Central Presbyterian Outreach
10. Atlanta Union Mission Shepherd's Inn

These organizations coordinated care with partners up to 70 percent of the time.

Overall statewide collaboration champions were:
Georgia - Clifton Sanctuary Ministries, Atlanta
Florida - Connections Job Development, New Port Richey
Montana - Community Crisis Center, Billings

Research shows that when human services agencies work together to serve their clients, overall agency workload is reduced and the help agencies offer their clients is more effective. Congratulations to February's collaboration champs, and to other PATHWAYS COMPASS user agencies that have worked hard to increase cooperative care. If you have questions about collaborative case management, contact our Technical Assistance and Training Team at 866-818-1032, Option 2.

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