Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2013 GA HMIS Conference with Updated Hotel Information

Conference Registration cutoff date: 10/18/2013. Click on this link to reserve your spot at the conference.
Register for the GA HMIS Conference

The 2013 GA HMIS Conference theme is "Getting To Simple".
There will be sessions that target key roles and processes that are critical to the success of HMIS and the impact on homelessness.

Below is an anticipated outline for the Conference. Stay tuned for more information on the agenda, guest speakers, etc. In the meantime, don't forget to complete your Conference and Hotel Room reservations.

The Conference Tracks
October 24th, 8:30am-4pm - October 25th, 8:30am -1pm
Track 1 for Agencies will include:
HMIS 101, Provider Success Stories, Tools for Training, The Road Ahead and more
Track 2 for CoC's will include:
Project Mgmt, Compliance System, AHAR Success, User Groups, Data Quality & Monitoring and Grant Applications Success and more
Track 3 will include:
Pivot Tables, Custom Reports, Imports/Exports, Filemaker and Data Visualization and more

Hotel Reservations:
Sea Palms Conference Center is full.
Additional rooms are available at the Island Inn.
301 Main St, St Simons Island, GA 31522
Please call 912-638-7805 to reserve a room and reference GAHMIS. They will honor the rate of $109.00! Shuttle will be arranged based on this hotel alone.

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