Monday, March 30, 2009

Benefiting from PATHWAYS COMPASS

As I become more familiar with PATHWAYS COMPASS as a new employee, I realize the more benefits it has to communities and agencies. Features such as “Funds” to maintain program balances and “Beds” to assign housing facility rooms and beds can help you serve clients more accurately and efficiently. Agencies can also run a number of reports to get a clear reflection on how their organization is operating, and what services are being utilized more than others.

It is a pleasure to meet people in the communities we serve, and I look forward to continue to speak with and support Pathways systems users.  

Kory Boone, Technical Assistance/Training Specialist
Technical Assistance and Training Team

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pathways announces the release of V5.11.1.0

PATHWAYS COMPASS system users:
Below are key highlights of enhancements and system error corrections that have been implemented in the PATHWAYS COMPASS system.

Enhancements Added:

Login time extended
After an existing user receives a new password from an administrator, the user now has four days to login before the system automatically inactivates her/him. Previously the user had until midnight that same night.

System error corrections:

Reports: Filtered Reports
Problem: Not able to see all options of filtered report.
On reports that allowed users to filter you can only see 5 need codes in the box that contains the available values and can't scroll down to see more. The only way to see more codes is to move the visible ones to the selected values box, which removes them up in the available values box. This would then allow 5 more to be selected.
Resolution: A vertical scroll bar has been added to allow users the ability to scroll down if the list exceeds what is visible in the window.

Customized Intake: Database Error
Problem: Database error message occurs during the Intake process.
A database error occurs if the following conditions occur:
1. Intake new client using Customized Intake
2. Make an error on the Process General Information page, such as Chronic Homeless = Yes and Disabling Condition = No
3. Click Next, error message displays, click Back
4. Correct the error, such as change Chronic Homeless to No
5. Click Next, the Authorization page displays.
6. Set Authorization on File = Yes and click Save.
Database Error occurs, the client is not saved.
Resolution: When the above conditions are met, the error no longer occurs and the client record is saved properly.

Client Progress Link: HSS Indicators
Problem: HSS Indicators under Progress can be deleted by users.
Users can edit an Indicator, and then Save without entering any Status. However, if they do so, the entire indicator is deleted and no longer visible.
Resolution: The HSS Indicator cannot be saved unless Status is entered. Therefore, none of the HSS Indicators can be deleted by a system user. Every user will always see the Housing, Employment, and Income/Benefits Indicators.

Search page: Mass discharge
Problem: Mass discharge does not delete clients from the Program Roster report.
The mass discharge function properly clears clients from programs (so they no longer appear in program related searches) but the Program Roster report still shows them as being enrolled.
Resolution: When the mass discharge function is used the clients will no longer appear on the Program Roster Report.

Program Profile: Program Description
Problem: The system user would get a database error when entering a long Program Description.
Resolution: The system will not allow a user to put more than 100 characters in the Description field of the Program Profile. Therefore, no pop-up message is generated upon Saving because a user can no longer make the error.

Program Profile: Winter/Seasonal Shelter Questionnaire
Problem: Program Profile Winter/Seasonal Questionnaire doesn't display correctly.
When you select Winter/Seasonal Shelter Program Type and click Save, the Winter/Seasonal Questionnaire doesn't completely display. All that shows is the 2 vertical menus on the left side and the title "Program Type Questionnaire."
Resolution: This page now displays correctly.

Password Hints

As a member of the Pathways Support Team, I have observed that many users seem to experience "password blocks" when creating their PATHWAYS COMPASS password.  

Below you will find a series of suggestions that may help:
  1. Your password needs to be 8-14 characters long
  2. It should include at least 1 number
  3. You cannot use your User Id, your name or your agency's name in your password choice
  4. Use a password that is personal and unique to you, and hard for others to guess; i.e., dream destination or vacation location, etc.
  5. As opposed to creating a brand new password every 60 days, when your password expires, try moving the number.  For example: bahamas77 can be changed to 77bahamas
We don't suggest passwords, but whatever you choose...Please don't forget it!  

April Lockett, Technical Assistance/Training Specialist
Technical Assistance and Training Team

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What's Under the Hood?

Our Information Systems Team is constantly developing, enhancing and enlarging the function of the PATHWAYS COMPASS Community Information Sharing System.  

Sometimes we're asked about the technologies that make this system run.  PATHWAYS COMPASS uses Java-based Web application development technologies, including the Jakarta Struts MVC framework. The database technology PATHWAYS COMPASS uses is Oracle, which provides powerful functions for data query, manipulation and definition. 

Another application that PATHWAYS COMPASS power users benefit from is our Business Intelligence Component - Oracle BI Discoverer, which provides dynamic, user-friendly interfaces to retrieve batch data from the PATHWAYS COMPASS database easily and effectively.
Tony Zhang, Oracle DBA/Systems Administrator
Information Systems Team

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Beware of Deceptive website

To all HUD customers: There is a bogus and deceptive website ( posing as HUD. The website attempts to dupe people into providing personal information by appearing to be an official US Government website. Please do not use this deceptive website.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Collaborative Champs

What organizations do the best job of coordinating care with others? New statistics from the PATHWAYS COMPASS Community Information Sharing System show that Clifton Sanctuary Ministries led the way in February, working with partner organizations to coordinate care for 78% of its clients.

Rounding out the top ten:
2. Another Chance
3. St Joseph's Mercy Care Services
4. Samaritan House/Cafe 458
5. Odyssey III
6. (tie) Atlanta Enterprise Center; Hope through Divine Intervention
7. (tie) Union Mission Employment and Training Center; Union Mission Housing Services
8. (tie) JFCS Project Connect; Quest 35
9. Central Presbyterian Outreach
10. Atlanta Union Mission Shepherd's Inn

These organizations coordinated care with partners up to 70 percent of the time.

Overall statewide collaboration champions were:
Georgia - Clifton Sanctuary Ministries, Atlanta
Florida - Connections Job Development, New Port Richey
Montana - Community Crisis Center, Billings

Research shows that when human services agencies work together to serve their clients, overall agency workload is reduced and the help agencies offer their clients is more effective. Congratulations to February's collaboration champs, and to other PATHWAYS COMPASS user agencies that have worked hard to increase cooperative care. If you have questions about collaborative case management, contact our Technical Assistance and Training Team at 866-818-1032, Option 2.

Friday, March 6, 2009

New PATHWAYS COMPASS Feature – Program Profile Reports

PATHWAYS COMPASS users with access to their agencies' Program Profiles can now download and print copies of these profiles. These printed profiles are designed for use with funding applications, such as the current Georgia Department of Community Affairs grant competition.
To print the Program Profile:
  1. From the Main Menu, click on My Agency
  2. Click on the Program link.
  3. Find the appropriate Program, then click on the edit button.
  4. Click on the Agency Program Profile link near the top of the page.
This will allow authorized administrator users to print the main program profile page and its associated questionnaire.
If you have additional questions, or need assistance, please contact the Support Team at 404-639-9933 option 2 or 866-818-1032 option 2.